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Perl User Counter The Torgo Counter, like many other perl counters, the Torgo Counter counts the number of visitors to your site. It does one thing slightly differently, however... |
There have been 15987 visitors to this page. |
Download v1.01c (8k) [Right or Control Click & choose Save As] For support, please visit The Torgo Forum. |
Requirements Requires a web server capable of running Perl scripts. Installation Instructions First open the scrpt & define a path for the counter file (the file that stores the current count & ip address). Rename the file from tcount.txt to tcount.pl or tcount.cgi, then place it into your cgi-bin directory. Change the permissions on the script file to execute (you can search Google to learn more). Then place the SSI code into the page(s) you want the counter to be displayed in. Most commonly you would use the following: <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/tcount.pl" --> |